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On 21/01/20 23:56, Drew Jensen wrote:

Today I worked with 5 different word processors (LibreOffice 6.4,
OnlyOffice 5.2, MS Word web, LibreOffice online and Google Docs, all
current and in use in the wild.

Of those 5 only one still allows the user to save files in the old
Microsoft Binary version. 
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but what do you mean by "old binary
version"? If you mean the 2003 format, I think there are still an awful
lot of copies of MS Office out there that let you do that.

I don't get Office 365. My computers currently run MS Office 2016 (which
I believe is only one version behind the current Office 2019), and they
will happily read and write Office XP version files.

(But yes, I would be perfectly happy with marking export bugs for those
formats as WONTFIX - they are, after all, well out of data and if users
need to run an old version of LO to export them that's their problem...)



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