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sorry for the late answer :-)

History: When doing deep change work quite some years ago, I did *not*
realize that rot angle and shear angle were *mirrored* - sigh. This was
probably historically the case due to the Y-Axis going down technically
in OutDev's (right-handed), but handled in interactions and UI (aka
visually) as going *up* (aka left-handed). Thus, the model data was
using the UI orientation - sigh ;-( Since this was done everywhere it
did not pop up as an error - until someone else tried to import the XML
ODF stuff we write and read - and yes, the error was unnoticed forwarded
to ODF format - sigh :-( You won't believe how surprised/shocked I was
when I found out about it...

In aw080 I corrected this more or less everywhere internally - the
SdrObjects were anyways in a state that the just had a B2DHomMatrix as
geometric definition, thus this had to be correct (right-handed) in the
model - we are not that far in the current core... Angles were flipped
everywhere for UI and where APIs were involved - UNO API and ODF as far
as needed.

Luckily, the full ObjectTransform in ODF and UNO API *is* correct due to
handing in/out a full Matrix in LinearAlgebra, thus right-handed and can
be used for compatibility and preferred in the future - for the rest
we'll have to keep that error alive as long as we won't get a new ODF

BTW: Is there an official site to already claim these angles to change
orientation for ODF1.4...? And is that claimed...?
At least it will be transformable by some XSLT between 1. and a
potentially corrected 1.4.
That's not the case for the API, though ;-(


On 06-Jan-20 14:35, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi all,

the matrix, which is product by TRGetBaseGeometry and which is
available as property "Transformation" in macros, is mathematically
wrong, because the shear element has a wrong sign. What to do?
A) Convert the matrix into a mathematically correct one, where it is
needed, e.g. in case it will be multiplied by another matrix.
B) Change core to use the mathematically correct matrix.
C) Other idea?

I've used approach A for now. See
and my new patch in
I think, because the property "Transformation" might be used by
existing macros, it would not be good to change its content. Another
reason is, that option B would require large changes (some work in
Armins aw080), so that it should at least be accompanied by an expert

Before I continue, I want to know, whether you think it is OK to use
option A.

The attachment has an example to reproduce the problem.

Kind regards

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