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Hi Alexis,

On 2019-12-25 3:23, Alexis de Lattre wrote:
I developed a LibreOffice Extension that contains a Python macro (and 
the required Python libs):  file 
"factur-x_macro.oxt" (source code in "extension/" subdir)

But, when I add this extension to LibreOffice on a PC without Java 
installed, I get this error message:

<< LibreOffice requires a Java runtime environment (JRE) to perform this 
task. However, use of a JRE has been disabled. Do you want to enable the 
use of a JRE now?  >>

If I answer "No", the extension will still work fine (because the 
extension doesn't need Java at all, it only contains a Python macro). So 
this message is wrong.

Could I change something in my macro to avoid this message ? My 
extension targets users without IT background and they could be scared 
by that wrong message.

Thanks in advance for your help,

You can't change anything in the extension to avoid this. This is 
tdf#120363 [1], and is fixed in LibreOffice 6.2.

There are other cases when similar warnings appear; see e.g. [2] which 
is about warning in script organizer dialog, fixed in 6.3.1. If you come 
across such problems in current releases, please file a bug and CC me. 


Best regards,
Mike Kaganski


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