How are you today? Here
we got a new portable drone for you, ready to ship in our stock.
This drone is with foldable arms, small size.
has wifi function which can be connected to our APP, APK
system to take real-time video.
Flying time: 10-12 mins
distance: 100-120 m
Prices ( different
1-20 units 79.70 each
20-50 units 72.70
50-100 units 69.70 each
u s d
If you want to order it,
please send us your shipping address, we can do global shipping.
Package Included:
1 x drone
1 x transmitter
1 x 3.7V 500mAh Lipo
1 x USB charging cable
4 x
protection cover
4 x spare blades
1 x
user manual
If you want to order it,
please send us your shipping address, we can do global shipping.
Joe Walton
- drone with foldable arms · Joe
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