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Jan Holesovsky wrote:
* Hackfests & Events (Sophie)
  + Dresden Hackfest (Thorsten)
    + most probably won’t happen, haven’t heard from the guys (Thorsten)
    + tentatively end of October, talking to FSFE people there
       + not confirmed, working on that

Clarification (didn't see the minutes during the call) - this never
went further than ideas stage, which is entirely my fault. I'll sort
possible future dates out, but let's remove it from the agenda for the

With the GSoC mentor summit happening at exactly the planned time, I
think it is better to simply postpone this.

    + Google Mentor summit happening in Europe end of October
       + could be a fall-back for European meetup
       + Cafe Netzwerk / CIB office or something.
       + one slot for Mentor Summit available
       + call for Munich volunteers to organize something around this?

Michael M. and me being LibreOffice's delegates for the GSoC mentor
summit this time, which will happen October 18th to 20th in Munich,

This is now 2 months out, so anything like HackFest NG or travel preps
for people coming from further away need to start soonish.

So the call is out, for people either from the area, or interested to
come to Munich during that week, to speak up! :)


-- Thorsten

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