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you can also have a look at the existing OfficeConnection class from

That one should contain quite some logic to handle different corner cases
and should warn if the environment is not set-up correctly.


On Thu, Jun 20, 2019 at 2:59 PM Stephan Bergmann <>

On 19/06/2019 22:32, Rasmus Jonsson wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jun 2019 08:07:15 +0200
Stephan Bergmann <> wrote:

This worked, thanks. However, the project requires using whichever
LibreOffice installation is available.

For C++ and Java there is helper functionality in the LO SDK for
3rd-party apps to find and access a LO installation, see


respectively.  But I don't think something like that has ever been
implemented for Python.

The python interpreter needs to know about LO's UNO files, and a

Which are these UNO files?

Look into what instdir/program/python (a shell script) is doing before
executing instdir/program/python.bin (the actual python executable).
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