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if I start soffice with


it runs normal.
But if I want to connect from client C++ programm:

sConnectionString =

xContextM = ::cppu::defaultBootstrap_InitialComponentContext();

xServiceManagerM = xContextM->getServiceManager();
xResolverM = Reference< XUnoUrlResolver > (xInterfaceM, UNO_QUERY);

xInterfaceM = Reference< XInterface >(
            xResolverM->resolve( sConnectionString ), UNO_QUERY );

it throws an exception with: "UNO URL does not start with "uno:" "

if I start soffice with


it runs normal. And if I use

sConnectionString = "socket,host=localhost,port=2083;urp";

from C++ program, I get the same exception.

I am on the beginning using libreoffice on this side. I missing
information about using this libraries.

I want to open existing documents, replace placeholders with values from
databases and generate output for Calc Documents, PDF and Excel.

Am 23.05.19 um 14:22 schrieb Jan-Marek Glogowski:
Hi Manfred,

Would be nice if you can file a bug report[1].

Never done this before for, have no account there...


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