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Present: Pedro, Cor, Heiko


 * Data loss risk referencing slides from external impress presentation (Menu Insert -> File, 
selecting link)
   + make linked slides readonly (Heiko)
   + agreed, but allow users on confirmation to override (Cor), ideally per infobar as known from 
   => do that

* Can't select/pick multiples shapes or images in Writer/Calc/Impress/Draw with CTRL key
   + switch from shift to ctrl (Heiko)
   + no objection but isn't ctrl for selecting images in the background in Writer? (Cor)
     + oh, it's Ctrl+ two clicks, so that doesn't block the proposed change
     + ctrl click/drop duplicates
   => looks as a good direction to move
   => involve Regina & Armin

 * The problem of drawing trapezoidal graphs
   + introduce new shape
   + add capability to rotate text regardless MSO is missing it
   => done with

 * Replace the Bibliography Database by a dialog to manually input new sources and to fetch from 
online sources via identifiers for citations/bibliography
   + rough requirements at
   * request for Impress
   * meta ticket
   + drop bibliography completely (all)
   => forward to ESC with proposal to a) make an announcement, 
      b) deprecate for 6.3 and kill finally at 6.4

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