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Hi Luke, all

It does not matter that variableScope is a low priority issue or a can be
dangerous . If someone want to disable a check it can be disabled
explictiely (I guess).
The main point that this change seems to simply reduce the scope of
cppcheck. If this is the purpose then we can just run cppcheck on an empty
file and so we won't see any issue (all false positives will disappear).

Overall, does this report have a higher signal-to-noise ratio than our
current weekly report?

You do ask it? Was it not you how came up with the idea to reduce the false
positives with specifying the includes? Now you are asking others what the
result of your change. I'm sure it used to happen in the opposite direction.

It does not make any sense to have two reports if the only difference is
that first report contains less bugs than the other, if the filtering has
no logical meaning.

Best Regards,


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