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    • Henry, Tamas Z, Tor, Michael, Ash, Henry, Tomas V, Marco, Andras

    • Dell
        ◦ branch (distro/collabora/cd-5.3-3.2, distro/collabora/collabora-online-cd-3.2)
        ◦ Working on a 3.4 build …
        ◦ Patches on gerrit for dell-3.2 branch – but need to include these too …
        ◦ Adding tile-cache  disabling – pain with automated tests.
        ◦ Fix remaining anonymization issues.
        ◦ Join the Dell call later (Ash)
        ◦ Status (Timar)
            ▪ pushed the core branch already distro/collabora/cd-5.3-3.4
            ▪ will create the online branch from the top of collabora-online-3
                • the work is already in there (Timar)
    • AMX
        ◦ Ash: WP6 - Routing of the Impress sidebars to Online
            ▪ Main side-bars are fully visible, functional, interactive
                • with child windows & drop-downs etc.
            ▪ Known issues:
                • entering text from the K/B – is busted in some way:
                    ◦ need to get focus & events
                • Fixing flicker on invalidations …
                • Dialogs disappearing.
                • Extend side-bar downwards with a grey background.
                • Side-bar can’t be re-sized currently.
                • Add side-bar options / tabs to the code.
        ◦ Henry: WP5.3 – Mobile UX
            ▪ Trying to finish copy/paste on mobile
                • Finally found a solution – a focus problem.
                • Can call the function to copy-text
                • Example works – how to show this to the user …
                    ◦ cannot use the toolbar that appears on-top.
                    ◦ Have to select an element – don’t use that in Collabora online
                    ◦ question:
                        ▪ how to do this (?)
                        ▪ show a popup with two buttons: copy/paste – for clip event.
                • Or show in the status bar – copy & paste …
                    ◦ status bar is ~pointless - lets show a popup instead (Michael)
            ▪ Need to look at scrolling pieces for Mobile.
            ▪ Anything for the 3.4 / Dell branch from last week ?
                • No – all done.
        ◦ Kendy:
            ▪ WP8 – Help
                • All of the JS help backported to cp-6.0
                • We have an own help instance: 
                • Given some bits to Aaron but he’s on vacation soon too.
        ◦ Marco: WP5 - HiDPI in Calc and in dialogs
            ▪ Fixing problems with position caching
                • invalidation rectangles are wrong in some cases.
                • found a solution – but still problems
                    ◦ invalidation messages sent to all views.
                    ◦ Need them to go to views with the same zoom factor.
                    ◦ Adding more parameters to tile invalidation callback.
                    ◦ to grok zoom factor for these rectangles.
                        ▪ to use / discard depending on need.
            ▪ Tiles joining nicely at all zoom levels
            ▪ Still todo:
                • Not started working on dialogs …
                • Charts, images are getting mis-placed.
                • Cursor position – mis-placed ...
                • Working on any zoom level – generic work here …
                • FormulaDialog bits
            ▪ by next week:
                • expect to fix invalidation problem; polish existing fixes.
                • Fix cursor bits, start on mis-placed images.
        ◦ Tamas Z.: Latency improvements [not AMX specific]
            ▪ Still testing latency changes in the team meetings
            ▪ Pushed one commit last week, fixing one bug. 
                • Doing page-down & page-up, sometimes 1-2 tiles are not sent.
                • One user doing page-down & up – somewhere, 2 users have the same view – some 
tiles not updated; just grey tiles.
                • Works fine for just 1 user …
                • Tested it today too – still see a problem.
            ▪ Handling the non-interactive users
                • TCP_NODELAY has only a small effect.
                • Interactive user detection – later can use something more effective.
                • Will push this.
            ▪ Next:
                • Two AMX bugs next: flickering opening a doc.
        ◦ Tomaz V.: WP3 - Widget theming
            ▪ continued to add new widgets and drawing them.
            ▪ Now added check-box and a combo-box.
            ▪ Working now on a radio-button.
            ▪ Finished with the scrollbar & spin-box.
            ▪ Demo … [!?] … great to have a screenshot.
            ▪ Trying to follow mockups from the AMX design team.
            ▪ Doing basic drawing initially.
            ▪ Next: 
                • Push changes internally ...
                • Screenshot of the latest work.
                • Need CSS for browser-side matched theming.
        ◦ Tor: WP1 - Thumbnailing API
            ▪ Last time -had problems getting thumbnailing to work the way nextclouders want it to 
                • their example was not complete.
                • another issue: we did this too complicated way
                • embedded thumbnail in ODF – is un-usably small.
                • Hope the convert-to-png size is ok since – we have no pixel-size parameters.
                    ◦ Uses 96 DPI of document.
            ▪ Next:
                • allow passing in a size parameter – and use the old fast thumbnail code if it is 
small enough (?)
                • Find out what the Avatars task was ...
                • Work out and document – external user / postmessage API Kolab happen to use.
                    ◦ Check that we have ‘read-only’ annotations in what we send.
                    ◦ Perhaps best as a tech/demo app / page…
                    ◦ Ability to ‘kill’ a user ... 
                        ▪ also follow-this-user if its easy
                • Templates handling …
                    ◦ load / save – give names to eg. dot files properly …
                • iOS research ...
    • 3.4
        ◦ Andras building for Dell.
    • 4.0
        ◦ Now focusing on this
            ▪ Development in cp-6.0 + online master
        ◦ AMX stuff:
            ▪ SparkleShare/productivity.git/Discussion/America Movil/AMX-estimation.ods
        ◦ master – for the Online
            ▪ Apparently we are missing patches that are in collabora-online-3, but not in master
                • We have to git-cherry before branching…
    • Timeline
        ◦ Collabora Online 4.0 - “Q3” ...
Team report
    • Customer communication
        ◦ SysIntellect
        ◦ Lawless World
    • [Not present – but set a report by mail]
    • AMX – reported above
    • Next:
        ◦ AMX – mobile improvements
        ◦ [Bug 118707] Crash when cutting some content
    • AMX – reported above
    • Next:
        ◦ AMX: help…
            ▪ Finish the cp-5.3 → cp-6.0 missing patches forward-porting
        ◦ Check the collabora-online-3 vs. master for missing patches
Marco *
    • AMX – reported above
    • Next:
        ◦ HiDPI / 200% Zoom issue in Calc ...
        ◦ Fixing blockers / critical bugs
Tamas Z
    • Latency – reported above
    • Next:
        ◦ Latency...
Tomaz V
    • AMX – reported above
    • Up-stream … 
        ◦ fixed some bugs caused by previous SIL work & graphic re-work.
            ▪ High prio. Regressions → gone.
    • Next:
        ◦ AMX – widget theming
    • AMX – reported above

    • Lots of sales etc.
    • some merge overhead of the repos etc. … (Ash)
        ◦ can we merge these sooner into internal-core ? (Michael)
            ▪ would be good to fix early rather than late. 

-- <><, GM Collabora Productivity
Hangout:, Skype: mmeeks
(M) +44 7795 666 147 - timezone usually UK / Europe


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