Hi all,
I'm trying to build LOOL for my final project. As a first step build the LO core without problems
and the wsd "module" too. When I do "make run" the server start to listen the port 9980 and keep
waiting for a client connection. If I try to open the LibreOffice follow the link:
I can access the document on Web Browser. I think the server part is ready!
But now, I can't understand well the client part. Supposedly, When a client establish connection
with the server "He'll be closed inside the LibreOffice directory" (chroot jail). Is that? How I
can give permissions for the client to access the jail? Do I need to create a group to manage this
clients? I choose to do make run "automatically" so I not set up a minimal chroot system manually.
Will it be a problem for me?
It's a little bit confuse for me. I read the READ document in Loleaflet folder but I don't
understand the strategy to follow.
Please someone could help me with this question?
Thanks in advance
Best regards,
Renato Ribeiro

- LOOL Client module - Problem with implementation · Renato Ribeiro
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