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On 04/04/2018 09:31 PM, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Great list, thx for breaking it down!

Were I working on a set of extensions to provide that functionality, I'd
break it down into even more groups. That discussion, and breakdown
would occur on day one of a Scrum Sprint.

There's an until-the-beginning-of-EUR times archive for
EUR-vs-other-currencies archive, IIRC even with sell/buy/daily median
etc). Also, what about

XE.COM is the only source I'm familiar with. If other sources provide
the same data, use them.

I have some python code for the above, that we use for TDF's accounting.

(obligatory rant: _current_ exchange or stock market rates in
spreadsheet functions have close to zero practical value, and only

The only reason/use case I have for both currency exchange rates, and
stock market prices, is to determine value for today.

encourage people to do shitty accounting.

If one is stupid enough to use the same spreadsheet for historical data,
as for current data, then your description is way too kind.

* I don't know what the rules are, for any current vendors of stock
market data. I didn't use Get_Quote, because it didn't cover the stock
exchange I tracked - each stock market probably needs its own extension.

A great opportunity to mine websites, and perhaps push for more open data?

The limiting function here being federal/state/local legislation
concerning securities.

probably can be pulled, at least in part, from WikiData.
Do you have any further pointers for that?

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