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As it happens, in LibreOffice code, "#ifdef DEBUG" is 1:1 equivalent to "#if (OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 
2)", and the thought was that perhaps all instances of "#ifdef DEBUG" should be changed to that 
instead, to make it more clear that it is a rather rare way to build, that code inside "#ifdef 
DEBUG" is *not* compiled in a normal --enable-debug or --enable-dbgutil build, but one needs the 
much more rare case of increasing the dbglevel thing.

It has even been suggested in the past we should get rid of those dbglevel, or OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL, 
things, to make the configuration space smaller. It is quite enough (in my opinion) to have 
--enable-debug, --enable-dbgutil, --enable-symbols, --enable-assert-always-abort, and 
--enable-sal-log, that all have related but different meanings. Also --enable-release-build could 
be interpreted as being related. And I probably forgot some...
Having fallen into this pitfall a couple of times and got a headache understanding why the code was 
not executed, I highly favor to at least change to OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL >= 2.

I am one of those who would like to remove the debug levels, but lately (spending far too much time 
in the internal UNO workings), I am a little afraid that we have a lot of bit rotten code waiting 
to become a problem. So doing this change in a branch would be wise.

jan I
Currently, when somebody loosely talks about "debug mode" vs "release mode" (as is common for 
people coming from a background of Visual Studio projects, for instance), it is fairly unclear 
what they actually mean. We should strive to make it clearer.

What you say "make my own DEBUG build", what do you mean exactly?


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