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I’d like to get some confirmation on how Writer document represent numbered paragraphs. See the 
paragraph properties service, 

If `NumberingIsNumber` is True then it’s a list item of sorts: `NumberingLevel` tells me which 
level in the nesting hierarchy it might be but really just counts the numbers of tab-indents. 
There’s a max of 10 levels (i.e. tab-indents). For each of the levels there exists a set of “rules” 
(`NumberingRules`) that contain the “type” (`NumberingType`) for each level. Meaning that I can get 
more information about a list item by getting its type = rules[level].

The `NumberingIsOutline` values seems to be unreliable, and `OutlineLevel` is greater than 1 if the 
paragraph is a heading of sorts. By default, “Title” and “Heading 1” are both 1. So checking 
whether a paragraph is a heading depends on the `OutlineLevel` rather than the `NumberingIsOutline` 

Is that about right? What did I miss with respect to document hierarchy?


Jens Tröger <>


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