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With a series of commits for
and some follow-ups we now have functions to generate proper password
hash values as specified in OOXML, see also (Standard Encrytpion) (Agile Encryption) (ISO Write Protection Method)

The actual "raw" implementation is in comphelper::Hash with

    static std::vector<unsigned char> calculateHash(
            const unsigned char* pInput, size_t nLength,
            const unsigned char* pSalt, size_t nSaltLen,
            sal_uInt32 nSpinCount,
            IterCount eIterCount,
            HashType eType);

and a convenience function that takes an UTF-16 encoded password string
and a vector with salt value

    static std::vector<unsigned char> calculateHash(
            const rtl::OUString& rPassword,
            const std::vector<unsigned char>& rSaltValue,
            sal_uInt32 nSpinCount,
            IterCount eIterCount,
            HashType eType);

See include/comphelper/hash.hxx and descriptions there.

Along with that there are some convenience and helper functions at
comphelper::DocPasswordHelper, see
and descriptions there.

    static css::uno::Sequence<sal_Int8> GetOoxHashAsSequence(
            const rtl::OUString& rPassword,
            const rtl::OUString& rSaltValue,
            sal_uInt32 nSpinCount,
            comphelper::Hash::IterCount eIterCount,
            const rtl::OUString& rAlgorithmName);

    static rtl::OUString GetOoxHashAsBase64(
            const rtl::OUString& rPassword,
            const rtl::OUString& rSaltValue,
            sal_uInt32 nSpinCount,
            comphelper::Hash::IterCount eIterCount,
            const rtl::OUString& rAlgorithmName);

    static std::vector<unsigned char> GetOoxHashAsVector(
            const rtl::OUString& rPassword,
            const std::vector<unsigned char>& rSaltValue,
            sal_uInt32 nSpinCount,
            comphelper::Hash::IterCount eIterCount,
            const rtl::OUString& rAlgorithmName);

Specifically GetOoxHashAsBase64() can be used to pass the strings
obtained from the OOXML file as they are and compare the result against
the document's hashValue string.

oox::core::AgileEngine::calculateHashFinal() now uses

Newer OOXML documents written by MS use "SHA512" (for encryption) or
"SHA-512" (for sheetProtection and fileSharing elelements and maybe
others) algorithm names. The helper functions accept both.

Note that to calculate hashes for new passwords a new salt value MUST be
generated and never existing salts reused, otherwise the whole purpose
of salts is defeated.. for this
comphelper::DocPasswordHelper::GenerateRandomByteSequence() can be used,
a length of 16 currently seems to be a common value.

Happy Hashing


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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