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On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 10:50:31AM +0100, Stephan Bergmann <> wrote:
Another gotcha to watch out for related to comments is how

void decl1(); // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment
              // comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment pertaining to 
void decl2();
    // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment pertaining to 
void decl3();

void f() {
    statement1(); // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment 
                  // comment comment comment comment comment comment pertaining to statement1
        // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment pertaining to 

is reformatted to

void decl1(); // lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment
    // comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment pertaining to decl1

This is due to our explicit AlignTrailingComments=false, it may make
sense to consider enabling it (if
solenv/clang-format/reformat-formatted-files confirms this solves more
problems than it causes).

void decl2();
// lengthy comment comment comment comment comment comment comment comment pertaining to decl2
void decl3();

I think this style was discussed on IRC already, and there was no
consensus if even the original form is misleading to the reader of the
code or not (so I did not research so far if there is an option to
preserve that style).



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