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09.10.2017 12:23, Stephan Bergmann пишет:
On 10/09/2017 10:29 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
On 10/06/2017 11:26 AM, Kaganski Mike wrote:
3. *Always* use "" syntax *only* for includes that refer to headers
placed next to the current source in the same directory (or
subdirectories), i.e. that would be found using the "." entry of -I
switch. These are implementation headers. This applies to both includes
in c[xx] files as well as in h[xx] residing in directories like
/sw/source/core/access (as opposed to those in /sw/inc).

Does that mean that once you're done we can stop adding -I. to 
SOLARINC in  (Also, it's unclear to me what

   -I$(dir $(3))

in gb_CObject__command_pattern in 
solenv/gbuild/platform/com_{GCC,MSC} is good for, and 
whether it could then be dropped, too.)

Yes, that was my plan, but ...

Seeing that both solenv/gbuild/platform/com_{GCC_defs,MSC_class}.mk 
already drop SOLARINC's -I. from gb_LinkTarget_INCLUDE, it is probably 
rather the latter -I$(dir $(3)) that can be dropped from 
gb_CObject__command_pattern in 
solenv/gbuild/platform/com_{GCC,MSC} once you're done.

You are quite right, this is what should be ultimately removed. Thank you!

(And -I. dropped from SOLARINC in as an orthogonal clean 
up?  Would need auditing what other places using SOLARINC (besides 
those gb_LinkTarget_INCLUDE that drop it anyway) might need it for.)
LibreOffice mailing list

Mike Kaganski


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