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Hi *,

On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 8:30 AM, Miklos Vajna <> wrote:

This is not just about documentation; the root of the problem is that
the owncloud lib of the Android app still uses ant,

FYI: In the meantime I added a gradle wrapper around it, so ant
supporting sdk-tools are no longer necessary/our build doesn't use the
ant toolchain anymore for that.

while Google already
dropped support for building with ant as far as I understand.

Yes, but you could still use it with the old sdk-tools, i.e. using
content of
as your $ANDROID_SDK/tools

Christian, do you remember what is the latest SDK we should recommend
that is still capable of building the ownCloud library?

when it comes to SDK it is confusing with android toolchain, since
there are sdk-tools, build-tools, and actual SDK, and on top of that
the NDK.

(I simply installed the latest one a while ago and did not update since

True again now - i.e. when you get everything from stable channel the
latest tools will work, if you want to do some bisecting, keep the old
sdk-tools around (and in that case also a physical device/older
version of the emulator base).



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