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On 28.09.2017 14:17, Karl-Philipp Richter wrote:
During pushing the complete repository
git:// to (in order
to play around with their CI infrastructure without any assumptions
about whether this could be useful for the main code base) the upload
fails due to

   remote: error: object 086ff12951769a2fadfc0f92f57c2e4f41108b72:
missingSpaceBeforeEmail: invalid author/committer line - missing space
before email
    remote: fatal: Error in object

which indicates malformed commits (in a certain definition) on side of
the main repository [which can be

yes, there are some malformed author/committer in the git repo due to
its origins as an imported CVS and SVN repo.

but it can't be fixed without rewriting the entire history, which isn't
going to happen.

i believe this was worked around in the past at some hosting provider or
other by opening a service ticket to import the repo with the checks
being disabled.

maybe there is already a mirror somewhere on, did you try to
search for libreoffice there?


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