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Seeing various recent clean-up commits there, just a reminder that officecfg/registry/schema/ should be considered part of the stable 3rd-party API (for LO extension etc.).

If you remove something from there:
* If an extension brings along .xcu data for such removed entities, that data should generally be silently ignored by configmgr (but removing e.g. a template completely might still cause exceptions to be thrown on start-up). * But if an extension wants to access such a removed entity, it will get a (runtime) exception from configmgr (which will likely lead to a crash).

So please exercise the same care when doing incompatible changes to officecfg/registry/schema/ as when doing incompatible changes to other parts of the stable API. Especially, it is not necessarily relevant how long a configuration entity has been unused by LO's code itself, if there may be 3rd-party code out there accessing that entity programmatically.


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