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At <;a=blob;f=flatpak/;h=fab02d7f71f38c1f30174a534627db2bcc211ebd;hb=HEAD#l50>,

if [ -e "${my_dir?}"/lo ]; then
 git -C "${my_dir?}"/lo fetch --tags
 git -C "${my_dir?}"/lo checkout "${my_gitbranch?}"
 git clone --branch "${my_gitbranch?}" git:// \

I want to get a local checkout of $my_gitbranch (which will either denote a branch like libreoffice-5-4 or a tag like libreoffice- of our LO repo. The "else" case is straightforward.

But if I already have the repo checked out from a previous run of the script (with a potentially different value for $my_gitbranch), I don't want to clone again, but re-use the existing repo and just update it accordingly (the "then" branch). The sequence of git commands works fine if $my_gitbranch is a tag.

However, if $my_gitbranch is a branch, and the existing repo happens to already have that branch checked out, then the 'git checkout' will report that I'm behind the remote repo by N commits and should fast-forward.

So adding a 'git pull' after the 'git checkout' would help the case where $my_gitbranch is a branch. But when it is a tag, such a 'git pull' would fail, stating that I'm not on a branch.

Is there a magic git incantation that does what I want?


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