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Present: Eric, Samuel, Yousuf, Stuart, Heiko


 * Ideas for team metrics
   + we have #comments/actions on BZ, visits at our blog, participation in meetings
   + ideas: 
     + Subscriptions on ML
     + Time to commit
     + Telegram members
   + anything else?

 * Numbering & Bullets, Outline 
   + Usability testing done (Eric)
     + translated:
     + will prepare a short presentation (Eric)
   + have a design session on Friday afternoon in 2 or 3 weeks
     + Doodle for design session -->


 * Change default of reference to illustration from page to number
   + WontFix because the issue is the workflow not the default (Heiko)
   + rename to plural forms
   + probably more than just changing references but adding the logic to separate between objects 
   => yes 2, maybe 3, so take Thomas' suggestion

 * Fields (actually cross-references) in the sidebar
   + WontFix because because dialog and toolbar are sufficient for all scenarios (Heiko)
   => agreed to Wontfix

 * Access to master elements per sidebar in Impress
   + disagree with having those rarely changed properties in the sidebar (Heiko)
   => no reason to put master elements in the sidebar

 * Embedded palette
   + WontFix because or rather unclear use case (Heiko)
   + Cor reopened and set needsUX again
   + Document colors are the better choice (Heiko)
      + Document colors isnt fully working (Jay)
      + Document colors not necesarily covers all branding colors (Stuart)
   + Solution is to allow palettes to be added using extension manager (Jay)
   + How to include the template (Eric) -> likely via template dialog (Jay)
   + Scope: all modules where templates work
   + Persistance: palette is cleared when teh template is closed
   => introduce a 'template palette' (better name needed)
      modifiable in the area fill tab/dialog (Jay) <- please not (Heiko)

 * Introduce 'lift caps' additional to drop caps
   + good idea (Heiko)
   + better naming for drop caps needed (Stuart) - "Inital" perhaps
   => follow W3C CSS working group nomenclature (103997#c15) on original 70180

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