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Depends on your widget set. LibreOffice still binds to Qt4 so your KDE5 setting wont work well; I'm 
on LXQt and have to dig in three configurations. qtconfig-qt4, qt5-ct, and 'kcmshell5 
kwindecoration' may be helpful. Alternatively, you could start with 'SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3 
swriter' and adjust the gtk theme to your liking. And finally when talking about icon you could use 
'Breeze Dark'.

On 06.09.2017 21:38, William W. Austin wrote:
I've been using LO ever since it first came out with StarOffice - and before that StarOffice, so 
I've lost track of the years experience, but I've used it for authoring over 5000 technical 
reports running 50-1500 pages.  (VERY happily I no longer have that job... :-)  ).   Today I have 
LO installed on 4 machines, 3 Linux and 1 Windows, and I use all of them regularly.  FWIW, I 
don't think I'm hitting a simple "newbie" error.

So far as I can tell, I have exactly the same settings on ALL 3 of the Linux boxes (and they're 
virtually the same on Windows).  (all 3 boxes have Nvidia graphics cards - and all they share the 
same display/keyboard/mouse through a KVM switch).

The problem is that on my primary workstation, the background remains VERY dark no matter which 
icon set I'm using (specifically '#33393b').  This makes it virtually impossible to use some of 
the darker icon sets, and no matter which icon set I try, this dark background leaves many of the 
icons nearly "invisible".

I have NO idea what's causing the problem - this machine shows no other display differences (on 
ANY application) among any of the Linux boxes.

Has anyone seen this before?  (I have searched through the past 3 years of emails but I haven't 
seen any reference to it.)

If not, does anyone have any suggestions to try?  As this is also my main writing machine this 
situation makes it much harder to work on anything, and I've been battling this for about a year 
now with no helpful results.

I suspect a corrupted configuration file somewhere but I haven't been able to find it, and I am 
the only user on this machine who has the problem. 

Any advice or suggestions will be (a) tried, and (b) greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

  -- Bill

william w. austin                        
"life is just another phase i'm going through. this time, anyway ..."

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Dr. Heiko Tietze
UX designer
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