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Hi Dennis, Stuart,

On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 1:03 PM, Dennis Roczek
<> wrote:
[POS XP machine] LibreOffice installs fine, and works like a charm.
(importing PDF, opening DOC, creating a new Calc sheet)
On 24.03.2017 18:40, V Stuart Foote wrote:
@Cloph, *

The TB62 test build for Windows XP

Build ID: 3d53ec9b2d1c4514adf90ea68915f20ce4d5bc81
CPU threads: 1; OS: Windows 5.1; UI render: default;
Locale: en-US (en_US); Calc: group


Installs and runs cleanly on a Windows XP sp3 VM on VMWare Workstation

Thanks for confirming.

we may be able to continue to support XP for the 5.4 release.

Note that this only states that there is no reason to drop XP because
of the Baseline bump. There might still be stuff added during the
development phase that might make it incompatible with XP, so having
XP supported now is no promise to keep it that way :-)



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