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+++++++ MEETING TIME NEXT WEEK IS 12:00 GMT+1 DST / 10am UTC +++++++

Present: Eric, Thibaut, Tomaz, Heiko


 * New meeting time as DST begins?
   + Keep 12:00 Berlin time so new UTC is 10am

* Results from user survey (Eric Ficheux)
  + Improvements asked by users (mostly asked are 1st) version at time of survey: 4.4
    + Better print and page layout setup
    + Less crashes
    + Mailing
    + Better MSO compatibility especially Impress
    + Pivot tables (persistant custom cell formats)
    + Bullets & Numbering
    + Photos and pictures management
    + Load/Save speed on big files
    + General UX design and usability
    + Macro editor improvements
    + More/Easier layout options in diagrams
    + Online and embedded help improvement
    + Lossless copy between LibreOffice modules
    + Better link with business software
    + Sorting and Autofilters
    + « REAL » cut/paste in Calc (actually removing the cut line)
    + Emailing without SMTP
    + Clone tool "full clone by default"
    + Keyboard shortcuts like MSO
    + New page / new section (especially when switching page format)

 * Prototyping tool
   * We want to use a tool where different people/groups can easily cooperate
   * Do we want to use closed-software (which is today much better)?
   Closed software
     + (used for most of the mockups so far)
     Providing interactivity, export to html/javascript, requirements etc.
     + (got in contact with the company and they offer good conditions)
   Open Source
     + (?)
     + LibreOffice Draw (Eat own dog food)

 * Handling of Sifr 
    + Heiko: "I wonder who is in charge of as 
      there was a related problem with tdf#106284. Guess it is an abandoned idea."
    + Kendy: "Yeah, the separate git repo did not work out, we ended up working 
      directly in the core.git (which is a plus I think)"
    + Tomaz: "we don't have those icons in core.git"
    + Heiko: "Meaning we have to merge them?"
    + Tomaz: "well there are more things to do - talk about how to store the icons 
      - currently sifr is in big svg sheets (multiple icons per sheet), so ideally 
      they should be 1 icon per svg - same as breeze if designers don't want that 
      OK - we can store those svg sheets too, but we need to start building sifr_svg set 
      which needs to be 1 icon per svg. I'm a bit dissapointed that new sifr icons have 
      been added without svg variant"

    * Moving is simple but maintainer would be needed; put also svg into the repo (Tomaz)
    => Jay, could you get in contact with the author?

 * Make LibreOffice design unique (Thibaut)
   + Right now we adopt the design to the system which has flaws, 
     especially on dark themes
   + Usually programs do have a clear branding so the suggestion is to have 
     one default design and one default icon theme
   + This was likely decided intentionally (Heiko)
   + Issues should be filed as bugs (Tomaz)
   => File an enhancement request and let's run the discussion on Bugzilla (Heiko)

 * Major release update
   + better than hiring a designer we should do the design with an open source community


 * Request about blurry shadows
   + reply on

 * New default color palette 
   + survey done, analyzed and comment included into the final layout

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