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CC-ing the dev ML.

On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 3:07 AM, Aditya Dewan <> wrote:


I have been trying to solve some issues for libreoffice online lately, and
for that i have been using 'make run' for starting the libreoffice online
But since yesterday it isn't working.
(i was working with socket.cpp and fileserver.cpp, i reverted these
changes later).

I have tried 'git pull' and then make,but it also produces errors.
Other than that i have also tried to reset it to a previous hash but that
also fails.
I even 'git pull'ed the core branch and then make it.

git pulling core.git shouldn't be needed, so don't build it again and again.

This is what i get in  my console.

Failed to fork child processes.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::system_error'
  what():  Invalid argument
wsd-17880-17880 21:24:00.117480 [ loolwsd ] SIG   Fatal signal received:


There are a few fatal errors in the loolwsd.log
<> file as well.

I was in the midst of working on an issue when this happened, and i don't
have much idea about how to solve it. I would be very thankful for any help.


In current online.git master, everything seems to work fine. Quite possible
that when you pulled master was in non-buildable state. Please try pulling
again. And make sure your changes aren't already present on top of master.

Pranav Kant


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