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ok, will do it right away.


On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 5:45 PM, Michael Meeks <>

On 13/03/17 11:55, Michael Meeks wrote:
On 13/03/17 11:50, Pranav Kant wrote:
That's a very new code that got merged to master couple of days ago. It
was a big change.

        And Pranav points out that you're looking at the admin-console.
needs an hour or so of porting work to the new socket code - its one of
the last pieces there; so - probably best to stick with an older hash
until this afternoon:

        $ git stash
        $ git reset --hard 48977108be4f299e3dd43e7af58c7a9ab10ccbfb
        $ git stash pop

        Is perhaps a good way to go for now; I imagine the changes are
to affect much that you're doing there.



-- <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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