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On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 11:25:00AM +0900, Takeshi Abe <> wrote:
Preparing a patch for tdf#105382 [1], I come across a question about
character encoding for the path part of a URL representing a's location.
I wonder if the original (before percent-encoded) path of such a URL can
be in an encoding other than UTF-8 or even in a different charset due
to e.g. a code page of some legacy filesystems.
Is it possible?
And, if so, is there any reasonable way to tell the encoding?

The UNO API works with UNOIDL strings, where those strings are
represented as OUStrings in C++, which is an array of Unicode

I think this means you have to decide encoding when you convert your
OString (or other byte array) data to OUString, before calling any UNO



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