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On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Jason Marshall
<> wrote:
Dear Sir/ Madam

I am currently attempting to build LibreOffice on a 32-bit Windows 7
platform using Lode.  I have got as far as trying to set-up a dev build
environment using the following command:

./setup --dev

This runs with the following output but then terminates:

Jason and Emma@JasonandEmma-PC ~/lode
$ ./setup --dev
Check directory 'packages' ... : Exist
Check directory 'opt' ... : Exist
Check directory 'ext_tar' ... : Exist
Check directory 'adm' ... : Exist
Check directory 'tb' ... : Exist
git repo '/home/Jason and Emma/lode/adm/buildbot' exist
ant already installed
junit Already Installed
Check directory 'mirrors' ... : Exist
Cloning into bare repository 'core.git'...
remote: Counting objects: 4708711, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (993620/993620), done.
remote: Total 4708711 (delta 3586930), reused 4702903 (delta 3581848)
Receiving objects: 100% (4708711/4708711), 1.44 GiB | 368.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3586930/3586930), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Cloned mirror /home/Jason and Emma/lode/mirrors/core.git
Check directory 'dev' ... : Created
Cloning into 'core'...
remote: Counting objects: 9, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 4), reused 2 (delta 2)
fatal: mmap failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
fatal: index-pack failed
Error Cloning /home/Jason and Emma/lode/dev/core

I have attempted to search the archived dev mailing lists for similar such
issues, but the error above implies that perhaps a resource beyond my
control, for whatever reason, may not be available at the time that I am
running this.

As an aside, you will see that my home directory contains spaces (i. e.
Jason and Emma) which seems to have been where upon installation, Cygwin
simply named the home directory after the Windows 7 user account.  Would
this likely be an issue aggravating the error above

I am not certain that it is the root cause of the problme.. but
certainly that is
likely to cause trouble.

if you follow lode install then cygwin was installed with your user..
so you _can_ create a new home directory

assuming you are in cygwin in your current home directory 'Jason and Emma'

mv lode /. # copy the existing lode stuff.. to the root (you can do
that in this case because your user own the root filesystem

make sure to edit your .bashrc so that LODE_HOME point now to /lode
and PATH contain /lode/opt/bin at the front (so that 'make' resolve to
the right one by default when you use it fromt he command line)

terminate you cygwin session and start it again.


cd /lode

remove /lode/dev/core ust in case it was in bad state.

rm -fr /lode/dev/core

and run ./setup --dev again



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