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On Sun Nov 20 22:25:43 UTC 2016, Jan Iversen wrote:

Can someone please tell me, what is our status with microsoft visual
studio 2015 ?


What should I recommend to new people ?

GCC (or clang) on Linux?

Sorry if this has been answered before, but I have honestly lost

Quoting the wiki page, that is linked from the main compilation page
for that other OS:


64bit mode and 32bit modes, both debug and release modes are known to

After installation, LO refuses to start with the following error

  The program can't start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing on your
   Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

And, on the same page:

*Unsolved problems (help wanted)*

VC Runtime libraries are installed in wrong directory (redist libraries
for MSVC 14.0)
-to-syswow64-instead-of-system32 ;- here MS claims that since VS 2015
U1, the merge modules for 64-bit runtime are fixedEven after MSVC 14.0
Upgrade 3 installation, and building LO, installing the msi package
refuses to start unless vc2015_redist package is installed separately.

There are two workarounds:

1. install MSVC 14.0 Redistributable manually:

2. patch C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Merge
Modules\Microsoft_VC140_CRT_x64.msm before building LO:

Open the merge module Microsoft_VC140_CRT_x64.msm with an editor,
and replace two lines in "Directory" section: 

System64Folder.363ED482_721F_3A34_85B3_A96CD936D64F: TARGETDIR


System64Folder: TARGETDIR


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