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After a broken upgrade from Ubuntu 16.04 to 16.10, I got a mix of 16.10
and 17.04. So I reinstalled 16.10 from scratch. After that I had to play
with chown and chmod to plug my old home to my new account.

I have only one remaining issue: when I build LO 5.2 the packaging step
fails with the following error message:

... Building Debian binary distribution... Packaging failed! Try 1 :
Could not execute
/home/my_login/LibO/lo52/workdir/UnpackedTarball/epm/epm -f deb  -g
--output-dir DEBS -v  2>&1 |"! Systemcall  (Try 2):
/home/my_login/LibO/lo52/workdir/UnpackedTarball/epm/epm -f deb  -g
--output-dir DEBS -v  2>&1 | dpkg: erreur: cannot set primary group
ID to root: Opération non permise ESP Package Manager v3.7.0 
Copyright 1999-2003 by Easy Software Products. Patched for
It worked when I still was under Ubuntu 16.04. I do not know what
permission is missing in my account. Any idea ?

Best regards.
Seuls des formats ouverts peuvent assurer la pérennité de vos documents.
Disclaimer: my Internet Provider being located in France, each of our
exchanges over Internet will be scanned by French spying services.


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