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Hello! I'm working on integrating CODE with Kolab (using WOPI API).

We already use WebODF (+Manticore) as a document editor and we have
collaborative editing implemented. Here we have an iframe with the
editor and our own toolbar with some functionality. Actions of this
toolbar communicates with the editor using javascript postMessage.

Now, I already have CODE working, but I miss some functionality, that
I'd like to have on pair with webodf-based editor.

Here's the list. Please tell me which of this is already possible, which
you would see useful and which does not make sense from your
perspective. Note, I generally would like to use and extend API
described in

1. "ready" event - triggered when editor finished loading. I use it to
hide my own "loading..." element when user can start working on the
2. "getTitle", "setTitle", "titleChanged" - for document title
manipulation. Where "titleChanged" is an event triggered when other user
in the session changed the title. It's about a title not filename.
3. "getExportFormats" - list of supported formats for "Save as" menu.
4. "actionSave" - execute/click "Save" action.
5. "actionExport" - execute/click "Save as" action for selected format.
6. "sessionClosed" - event triggered when an editing session owner
terminates the session. In this case we inform all session members and
close their browser windows, as the "meeting" is over and they can't
continue editing. I'm not sure how that would be possible with CODE,
probably "closeSession" action would be needed too. Still, I don't see a
concept of "session/document owner" in CODE.
7. "getMembers" - return all users in the session (including current user).
8. "memberAdded" - event executed when a new user joins the editing
session. We use this to add user image/name to the list of session
members in our toolbar.
9. "memberRemoved" - as above but when a member closes his editor window.
10. "actionPrint" - execute/click "Print" action.

From my perspective, the most important are 6-9. Should I create some

Aleksander Machniak
Software Developer, Kolab Systems AG
PGP:19359DC1  -  -


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