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I have locked at the new feature of storing a <table:table-template> and see some problems:
The link to the commit in
does not work.

If the document is saved as strict ODF1.2, then the attributes in loext namespace are not omitted as it should be, but they are written without any namespace.
If the document is saved as ODF1.1, then the attributes in loext namespace are written, but without namespace.
The generated cell styles have an attribute style:parent-style-name. Its value should be a reference to a style in style family "table-cell". But the value is in all cases the name of the <table:table-template> element. I expect that there exists a default table-cell style and maybe in addition a basic table-cell style for this specific table template. Those would be suitable as value of style:parent-style-name attribute.

Kind regards


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