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The unit test CppunitTest_dbaccess_firebird_test fails on Mac with the
following message: "Could not find acceptable ICU library" during use
of libfbclient.dylib.

Related patch:

The changes in this matter compared to fb 2.5 is that now the ICU
libraries are linked run time and they are no longer included
directly. The env. variable DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is used to specify the
location of the libraries during the build. During the build, this is
no problem, because I can specify the absolute path of the ICU libs in

I guess we cannot export this variable each time fbclient is used,
with the current path to the ICU libs.

I tried to use the macosx-change-install-names tool, and making some
magic rpaths, but I did not succeed yet. Now the install path of
libfbclient.dylib is similar to the other libs' install name in
instdir (checked with otool -D ), but it didn't help.

According to dlopen man page, dlopen looks for the library in path
specified by env. variables or the process working directory. IIUC
these are no options in our case.

So what's the proper way to specify the library location of run time
used ICU libraries for libfbclient.dylib? (possibly it's in the same
directory using LO-bundled ICU in every case)

Tamás Bunth


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