Hi, I have a question that how to debug python extensions. for example how
to debug,
Now i debug the file by write debug information in log.txt, but it's too
src/pyuno/README file say that
To have much joy debugging python extensions you need to:
a) edit pythonloader.py in your install setting DEBUG=1 at the top
b) touch pyuno/source/module/pyuno_runtime.cxx and 'make debug=true' in
Then you'll start to see your exceptions on the console instead of them
getting lost at the UNO interface.
I have done it like this , but it's useless.
another question
in src/scripting/source/pyprov/pythonscript.py.
why the parameters of out and outindex have not been used.
​waiting for you help, thank you!

- how to debug python extensions. · meilin
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