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"reported a bug about the indent" is not clear enough. Please write a bug report in Bugzilla [1], which includes the desired behavior, the observed behavior and a step-by-step description to reproduce the bug. In addition please attach a small document which helps to reproduce the bug.
A bugreport is needed anyway to connect a patch to the bug description. 
The bugreport number will be included into the commit message.

Kind regards
Regina schrieb:
  Hi all,

My colleague from testing department reported a bug about the indent of
the whole table. I looked into the source code and found the position
where the problem may be. In
writerilter/source/dmapper/DomainMapperTableHandler.cxx there exists an
if-else statement that is responsible to calculate and process the table
indent. But after i read the annotation i found the lines in if and else
clauses were wrong. They both should change their positions with each
other. I don't know if it is right. Please review the changes and give
me some suggustions. Thanks.

Best regards,

Weike Liang

LibreOffice mailing list


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