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* Present:
    + Stephan, Lionel, Jan-Marek, Muthu, janI, Norbert, Michael M, Armin,
      Kendy, Jacobo, Eike, Miklos, Sophie, Bubli, Bjoern, Varun, Olivier.
      Caolan, Norbert
* Completed Action Items:
    + poke a GSOC admin if you didn't get the mentoring invitation mail (All)
        [ all mentors registered (JanI) ]
    + switch easy-hack to turn: OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 to
      OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 0 (Bjoern)
        [ one perfect hack reverted; because not liked ]
    + write a cheat-sheet & mail to Armin (Norbert)
* Pending Action Items:
    + build clearer 'kill scp2' proposal (JanI interested) (Bjoern)
    + UI changes from non-committers in gerrit: post list to UX team (Kendy)
         [ assigned to kendy (was on vacation) and push to list ]
    + double-check duplicate libmar/src, update/src (Kendy)
    + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file
      on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)
* Release Engineering update (JanI)
    + got the chance to do a 2nd build (JanI)
        + "helped" make 5.1.1 final, publish to mirrors this morning etc
            + announced & on mirrors etc.
    + 5.0.6 RC1 - due April 12th.
    + 5.1.2 RC1 - on Tuesday - March 15th
        + Late Features (for 5.1.2)
            + New Slide Transitions: polish
                [ ... debugging & work - some Intel fixing ]
            + UserAgent display & tweakage
                [ still not done ... ]
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + updates still planned
* Gerrit update (Norbert)
    + updated to 2.11.7 and then 2.11.8
       + reasonably smooth in-place update
    + google auth ? (Michael)
        + planned to install a plugin (Norbert)
            + requires some registration
    + built some nice stats (Norbert)
        + 62,717 commits across all repos (in 2015)
        + Jenkins numbers:
            + core.git - ~61,000 builds
* Documentation (Olivier)
    + New help pages for OpenGL, and functions: FORECAST.ETS.*(ohallot), menus updates (S. Horacek, 
Y. Phillips).
        + math textbook reading fun.
    + New templates for translation (pot files) with too many changes
        only help files (janI)
        + Many strings are the same content but with xml tags placed differently
            + same visual result
            + issues with translators ahead, must find support for a script to fix this
               => need a script to undo this; or un-fuzzy-them.
    + some IRC discussions.
    + another volunteer on list (Kendy)
        + great outreach from Sophie.
        + does it make sense to have regular hangouts / meetings ?
            + time hard: NZs, Canadians, Brazilians, Europeans etc.
* l10n (Sophie)
    + will ask on the l10n list wrt. scripting
        + developer support appreciated.
        + how urgent is it ?
            + since 5.2 is due in August - so plenty.
        + is it only po files, or UI files too ? (JanI)
            + only help files; for pt_BR: 57k new words to review.
            + can compare 5.1 vs. master dbs (JanI)
AI:     + unwind / script changes here (Christian)
* GSoC 2016 (JanI)
    + 3 admin volunteers: janI, Moggi, Thorsten
    + next important date, march 25, proposals must be agreed with mentors
        + mentors should be helping students to take care with proposals.
* UX Update (Kendy/Bubli)
    + Heiko and Kendy out on Friday.
       + didn't take place.
    + lots of GSOC / UI hackers -> working hard on easy-hacks (Bubli)
       + nice work in the sidebar.
       + more mentors for GSOC / UI tasks appreciated.
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + 1 import failures, 0 export failures, 9 coverity
       + much improved, 1 issue in Calc.
       + coverity way down, expecting a new number soon.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Ankara, Turkey
            + talked to them; lots of enthusiasm & desire for training.
                + suggested date: 2016-04-30
            + hope to go & do an overview talk first (Michael)
            + DavidO hoping to go
        + Gran Canaria hack-fest (Thorsten)
            + April 6-8th (7-9th) possibly
                + Plan is to craft it according to the Japanese
                  Mini-Conference, with a broader local community appeal
            + announced on Spanish list (janI)
        + Germany, Munich, LiMux; End of May 2016 (Jan-Marek)
            + Orga:
            + Weekend doodle:
                + 19-21 or 27-29
                + closes next Mon -> select weekend.
* Mentoring Update (JanI)
    + gerrit: 182 open patches of which 117 can be merged if no open comments
           97 from contributors of which 59 can be merged if no open comments
    + GSoC wiki update, with official dates (and ours), mentors please have a look
    + GSoC mail help, interest seems high and positive
        + spend lots of time helping them.
    + Updated remaining bugs id < 40000 unconfirmed.
    + Update esc-mentoring tool twice (due to gerrit updates)
    + bz tools added (to update comments)
    + some attention needed with OSL_ENSURE to assert() replacements:
      might make the dbgutil build halt hard a lot more (Bjoern)
    + did halt hard in the 2 tests I made, I am communicating with the contributor (janI)
* embedded database / firebird mess (Lionel/David O)
    + inconclusive on mailing list
    + options:
        + declare FB only supported on platforms, where it can be
          built with current compiler toolchain that is used and
          decided by this project. 
        + cancel MSVC 14.0 upgrade for now and wait until it's
          supported by FB project
            [ or help FB 3.0 / to upgrade (?) ]
        + give up on FB and use another embedded DB
    + unless we help FB to have recent MSVC support, not a good
      idea to be chained to waiting for them.
        + FB decided - their win binaries -
          will be built with MSVC13 - for WinXP compat.
             + not decided to -not- be compatible with future versions.
             + unclear if they have issues compiling with newer compilers.
    + originally effort to VS 2015 (Norbert)
        + from a CI perspective - it didn't build based on normal config.
        + decision: fix firebird, or stop building in a default config
        + or bundle their binaries (urgh) (Lionel)
             + deep non-enthusiasm (Norbert, Michael, Bjoern)
        + FB - not building on latest Mac either (Norbert)
             + not just windows.
    + FB - shipped as std. binary file-format is specific to platforms (Caolan)
        + pending work needed to use backup file-format instead.
           + just a bit of work from our side - not fundamental (Lionel)
    + FB - originally introduced to kill HSQLDB (Norbert)
        + don't -have- to have it.
        + current JavaDB is really a problem (Lionel)
           + need to replace it with something else.
    + user will only get FB if they enable experimental (Stephan)
        + problems are mostly theoretical for most users.
    + ancient version of HSQLDB is pretty horrible (Bjoern)
        + the way it is integrated probably responsible for some horribleness
    + decision needed: (Norbert)
        + effort to support VS 2015
        + not eager to turn it off.
AI:        => regret; disable for now for CI (Norbert)
AI:     + write to Firebird people (Lionel)
           => people ecouraged to contribute to FB / MSVC14 support
           => We are still eager to default to Firebird 3 for embedded db.
    + also eager for a co-mentor for Firebird ! (Lionel)
* Commit Access
    + ijzervreter from (Chris Sherlock)
        + great work so far; would be happier with more commits first.
    + Dennis Francis via Bubli
        + seconded (Caolan)
        + thirded, like the non-trivial fixes ! (Eike)
            + done (Norbert)
        => write to him (Eike)
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + pending next cycle.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Mar  3 14:39:50 2016
    * these are supposed to be clean:
    master linux rel  jobs: 221 ok: 187 ko:  32 fail ratio: 14.48 % break:   9 broken 
    master linux dbg  jobs: 177 ok: 156 ko:  20 fail ratio: 11.30 % break:  10 broken duration: 
    master mac rel    jobs: 210 ok: 204 ko:   6 fail ratio:  2.86 % break:   4 broken duration: 
    master mac dbg    jobs: 215 ok: 209 ko:   5 fail ratio:  2.33 % break:   4 broken duration: 
    master win rel    jobs: 131 ok: 111 ko:  20 fail ratio: 15.27 % break:   8 broken duration: 
    master win dbg    jobs: 130 ok: 103 ko:  26 fail ratio: 20.00 % break:   8 broken 
    master win64 dbg  jobs: 129 ok: 103 ko:  26 fail ratio: 20.16 % break:   8 broken 
    lo-5.0 mac        jobs:  15 ok:  15 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 
    lo-5.1 mac        jobs:  24 ok:  22 ko:   2 fail ratio:  8.33 % break:   1 broken duration: 
    * these are expected to break:
    gerrit win rel    jobs: 425 ok: 314 ko: 104 fail ratio:24.47%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs: 427 ok: 332 ko:  94 fail ratio:22.01%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs: 424 ok: 350 ko:  74 fail ratio:17.45%
    gerrit all        jobs: 423 ok: 264 ko: 151 fail ratio:35.70%
       + normal week; daily breakage here & there.
* Easy Hacks (JanI)
    + total 304: 281 waiting for contributor, 15 Assigned to contributors,
             8 need info
             413 needs to be evaluated
             cleanup: 235 has more than 4 comments, 244 needs to be reviewed
        new last 8 days:
    + create your own by updating Keywords to eg.
            "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"
    + create new easy hacks from these proposed ones
      (or remove the Keyword "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
* libxmlsec upgrade (Miklos)
    + first time in ~5 years; not ideal.
    + bumped a minor version, gets rid of two custom patches.
    + up-stream is alive; possible to do upgrades.
    + up-stream is interested in integrating patches
        + we have to do the work to port to master.
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED: ???
        + enhancements: ??
        + in ux-advise: ??
    + needAdvice at ??
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#89034 - OS X: Text not being justified in Persian and other RTL languages
            + Persists as Common issue -> lots of duplicates
        + Mail merge regressions (Bjoern)
            + (7 open; 7 open last meeting)
            + Patch-set still pending (Kendy)
                + sending E-mails glitches + unit test not passing
            + (also pending AI: push the last MM fix to 5.0 too)
                + lots of other stuff going on (JMux)
        + tdf#96847 - Android viewer crashes on every file (android 4.4.4 & 5.x)
            + Crash with daily builds (2016-02-18)
* QA stats
    +191    -133        (+58 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Buovjaga              20
        Maxim Monastirsky      9
        Cor Nouws              8
        Caolán McNamara        7
        V Stuart Foote         7
        Yousuf (Jay) Philips   6
        Michael Meeks          6
        raal                   6
        Eike Rathke            5
        Xisco Faulí            4
        Julien Nabet           4
        m.a.riosv              4
        Adolfo Jayme           4
        Keith Curtis           4
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 2/5   - 40%    +1
        5.1: 3/26  - 11%    +1
        5.0: 9/52  - 17%    -2
        4.4: 11/75 - 14%    -1
        4.3: 5/68   - 7%    +0
        4.2: 10/133 - 7%    -1
        4.1: 4/79   - 5%    +0
        4.0: 10/81  - 12%   +0
        old: 39/249 - 15%   +0
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 406/1292 412/1284 408/1277 403/1260 398/1248 402/1247 408/1242
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 784(+4) bugs open of 4773(+32) total 30(-1) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 13 (+1)
                Writer -  9 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  4 (+0)
               Impress -  2 (-1)
                  Base -  2 (+0)
            Extensions -  0 (-1)
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 241 (+1)
                  Calc - 171 (+2)
           LibreOffice -  56 (+2)
               Crashes -  55 (-2)
               Impress -  49 (-2)
                    UI -  41 (+1)
        graphics stack -  38 (-1)
               Borders -  34 (+2)
                  Base -  32 (+3)
                  Draw -  27 (+0)
   filters and storage -  22 (+2)
                 Chart -  15 (+1)
                 BASIC -  13 (-2)
Printing and PDF export-  11 (+1)
        Formula Editor -   7 (+1)
            Linguistic -   4 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
             framework -   2 (+0)
          Installation -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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