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On 02/29/2016 11:44 AM, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
Ashod, can you get that fixed? I assume that it would be a common issue that such wrapper include files need special treatment in update_pch (and an indicator that automatic generation of such precompiled_*.hxx just doesn't work), but don't find anything related in that script.

If the diff of precompiled_xsec_xmlsec.hxx is the desired result, then the fix is very simple. update_pch has provision to exclude any header that we deem problematic. We only need to add 'xmlsec/*' as exclusion and it will never get added to the pch file on subsequent runs.
We can also force the inclusion of any header (if required by some 
source/header). But I will not force-include 
xmlsecurity/xmlsec-wrapper.h, unless that's what you want (just let me 
know). (Although I suspect it will get added by the script in most cases 
I'll submit a patch of update_pch with updated pch files for xmlsecurity 
on gerrit.


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