Hi Pranav, you write:
No core file identified in directory /mnt/D-Drive/LibreOffice/libreoffice/workdir/CppunitTest/svgio.test.core To show backtraces for crashes during test execution, enable core files with: ulimit -c unlimited [CUT] vcl_timer Error: a unit test failed, please do one of: make CppunitTest_svgio CPPUNITTRACE="gdb --args" # for interactive debugging on Linux make CppunitTest_svgio VALGRIND=memcheck # for memory checking make CppunitTest_svgio DEBUGCPPUNIT=TRUE # for exception catching
Did you try one of the above suggestions? There are usually three reasons a unit test would fail: * something is truly broken on master (compare with red tinderboxes on http://tinderbox.libreoffice.org/MASTER/status.html) * you have a buggy setup (noticing D-Drive in your path above, building on a vfat partition from linux is generally not working) * you are building on a system, or a particular configure switch combination, that is not yet supported & will need manual fixing Your question does not provide enough context to guess which of the cases you're hitting. HTH, -- Thorsten
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