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* Present:
    + Christian, Sophie, Michael S, Lionel, Norbert, Robinson, Stephan,
      David, Caolan, Andras, Bjoern, Miklos, Muthu, Norbert, Kader
* Completed Action Items:
    + add stuff to Release Notes and Under The Hood (everyone)
    + chase impress mode-switching patch - make the button more prominent (Christian)
        [ added to release notes, avoid patching until people scream ]
    + add more repos from gerrit/github to gitdm-config scripts (e.g. for Document Liberation 
repos) (Thorsten)
         [ all merged nicely ]
    + add JS hacking to add video to on-line help to the GSOC page (Olivier)
* Pending Action Items:
    + Update/fix: (All)
    + double-check duplicate libmar/src, update/src (Kendy)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.1.0 anounced yesterday.
    + 5.0.6 RC1 - due April 12th.
    + 5.1.1 RC1 progress
        + tagged yesterday; will up-load after the call
            + had to avoid test failure on mac by commenting webdav test out.
        + liked E-mail to the list asking for delay (Bjoern)
            + now you see people working all night on the list.
        + Late Features:
            + New Slide Transitions: polish
                [ ... polish getting there in RC1 ... ]
            + UserAgent display & tweakage
                [ still not done ... ]
            + URL for the online documentation needs change (Bjoern)
                [ still pending ]
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + updates planned early next week.
    + Release Notes: are they complete:
            [ horribly incomplete, and no write-up 
              Consider deadline + sending it out on social media (Bjoern)
              concerned that we want to pro-actively credit people (Michael)
                 => find time for a write-up (Michael)
                    + volunteering to help out (Bjoern) ]
* Documentation (Kendy)
    + ideas page updated by Olivier
    + otherwise all normal.
* GSoC 2016 (Thorsten, JanI)
    + Urgent: please update & fix before Feb 8th:
    + 3 admin volunteers: JanIV, Moggi, Thorsten
    + application to be submitted in up to a week (JanI)
       -> ongoing, needs finishing touches.
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + sidebar discussion at the last meeting
       + JMux would like to extend it with a wollmux Extension
       + tip of iceberg: more ideas on what to do there.
           + how to decide what is good there vs. not.
       + no conclusions yet; screenshots coming ...
    + proposal wrt. empty-pages from mail-merge
       + Conclusion - change default from printing empty pages to not.
           + how does that work for duplex ?
    + proposal by Laszlo to change default impress font
        + needs to be metric compatible with MS Office.
        + current is Liberation -> can we use Carlito etc. ? (Michael)
    + will remove oxygen icon theme; now incomplete, use tango or Breeze instead.
    + ~5 UI changes from non-committers pending, UX team should review (JanI)
AI:     + post list of these to UX team (Kendy)
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + 13 import failures, 1 export failures, 81 (+6/-24) coverity
    + fixed a number of import crashers.
    + There is an outstanding new svg recursive stack exhaustion bug
    + coverity java count much improved.
* Graphite update (Caolan)
    + good to update to the new version
    + large patch to backend; but low real-world risk.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Turkey (Aydin?)
            + talked to them; lots of enthusiasm & desire for training.
                + mid-March hack-fest expected.
            + concrete dates ?
            + concrete volunteer mentors?
                + Jan-Marek maybe, moggi after March, 12th
                + will send a Collaboran (Michael)
            + event located on west-coast near the sea.
                + how easy is it to get there ?
AI:             + add wiki page (Bjoern)
        + Gran Canaria hack-fest (Thorsten)
            + why are we doing this again ? (Michael)
                + not an official hack-fest.
            + April 6-8th (7-9th) possibly
                + Plan is to craft it according to the Japanese
                  Mini-Conference, with a broader local community appeal
        + Germany, Munich, LiMux; End of May 2016 (Jan-Marek)
            + Orga:
            + Weekend doodle:
                + 19-21 or 27-29
                + smaller amount of space available this year (Jan-Marek)
                + maybe some general community event around that? (Bjoern)
                   + it is a general event, not LO specific (Jan-Marek)
* Bugzilla spam on libreoffice-dev (Bjoern)
   + Bugzilla mails are still horribly uninformative
   + We added libreoffice-dev to CC for EasyHacks so that we dont miss some newcomers shy questions 
      + this might be obsolete now that there is JanIV
      - Very sorry for the mass mail this morning, Bugzilla out-trixed me (thought it would not 
send the mails) (janIV)
   + suggestion: remove libreoffice-dev for EasyHacks for now, ask Jan to look for those questions 
       - OK with janIV. Robinson might be better to remove the CC (without sending emails) (janIV)
   + some script detecting real newbie comments ONLY would be awesome of course ...  (possible 
       - I now regulary look at new easyHacks, to check they are real easyHacks (janIV)
   => drop CC of dev-list on easy-hacks (JanI)
   => JanI CC'd on all easy-hacks (JanI)
   => report / link new easy-hacks each week (JanI)
       + needs some degree of policing too (Michael)
       + non-well-formed easy-hacks:
           + Ahmet Can, Nemzag -> concern; review these ?
           + Easy Hack tag is for more experienced developers
AI:    + build it into dev-tools/scripts/ (JanI)
   + Transfer reporter -> CC for re-filed easy-hacks (JanI)
   + transient bug book-keeping appreciated out of BZ (Michael)
* Mentoring Update (JanI)
   + wiki merged step-by-step with getInvolved
       + some good feedback.
   + Wiki prepared code convention page for discussion, now added an empty page, so we can decide 
what we want
       + like guidelines for new devs.
       + used to point to old OOo guidelines
       => old OOo guidelines (Bjoern)
           + wrote them - what was seen, not what is best.
           + not something official etc.
       + "what is the little letter in front of vars" (JanIV)
    + wiki new easyhack pages (one pr skill)
         + EasyHack cleanup, made sure keywords are consistent.
            + reviewed set of skills.
         + EasyHack, prepared for review (multi comment, still active, assigned etc)
    + Gerrit patches: 68 open from non-committers all commented. 134 open in total.
    + How to handle cherry-pick for other branches (abandon or ?)
         + cherry-picked in the web interface means
             "it was merged in another branch"
         cf. :
            + ie. just needs review for 5-1
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + Indic language hack-fest / l10n in India tomorrow. 
* Commit Access
    + Xisco Fauli - sounds good (Bjoern, JanIV, Kendy, Thorsten)
       + nice unit tests !
AI:    + send welcome E-mail (Bjoern)
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + pending next cycle.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    from:Thu Feb  4 14:32:06 2016
    master linux rel  jobs:173 ok:157 ko:16  fail ratio:9.24%  break:5 broken duration:5.16%
    master linux dbg  jobs:141 ok:118 ko:21  fail ratio:14.89% break:6 broken duration:11.13%
    master mac rel    jobs:172 ok:170 ko:1   fail ratio:0.58%  break:1 broken duration:0.78%
    master mac dbg    jobs:163 ok:160 ko:1   fail ratio:0.61%  break:1 broken duration:1.22%
    master win rel    jobs:128 ok:120 ko:8   fail ratio:6.24%  break:5 broken duration:5.11%
    master win dbg    jobs:120 ok:112 ko:8   fail ratio:6.66%  break:6 broken duration:5.43%
    master win64 dbg  jobs:123 ok:114 ko:9   fail ratio:7.31%  break:7 broken duration:8.27%
    lo-5.0 mac        jobs:5   ok:5   ko:0   fail ratio:0%     break:0 broken duration:0%
    gerrit win rel    jobs:298 ok:236 ko:58  fail ratio:19.46%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs:306 ok:169 ko:135 fail ratio:44.11%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs:307 ok:256 ko:45  fail ratio:14.65%
    gerrit all        jobs:306 ok:138 ko:154 fail ratio:50.32%
    + Linux blip - mostly self-inflicted.
    + normal week.
* Easy Hacks:
    + new easy-hacks thanks to:
        + Samuel Mehrbrodt x 2, Markus Mohrhard x2
          Olivier Hallot
    + create your own by updating Keywords to eg.
            "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"
    + create new easy hacks from these proposed ones
      (or remove the Keyword "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED:     654 
        + enhancements: 59 
        + in ux-advise: 32 
    + needAdvice at 23 
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#97437 - PIVOTTABLE CRASH after creating the pivot table
            + fixed - thanks to Bubli.
        + tdf#96300 - Wrong hyphenation in German and Italian text using the MS-font “Calibri” and 
TDF “Carlito”
            (ligatures duplicated at end and start of line)
            + Cloph: higher importance
        + tdf#56544 - FILEOPEN: Lock file is not created on samba share (via gvfs)
            + Linux; missing lock file -> dataLoss
            + (Michael S -> Stephan -> Bjoern) the bug 'ticks' - pass it on.
                + gvfs on KDE etc. unclear why it's a high prio.
        + tdf#95709 - [DISPLAY] Presentation mode renders graphics wrong
            + Armin / Thorsten ?
        + tdf#96172 - Crash in layout SwSectionFrame after opening particular document
            + ODT crash [was: Crash on opening DOCX]
            + bibisected;
        + tdf#89034 - OS X: Text not being justified in Persian and other RTL languages
            + Common issue -> lots of duplicates
        + Mail merge regressions (Bjoern)
            + (7 open; 7 open last meeting)
            + (Still?) PENDING: AI: push the last MM fix to 5.0 too
               + Jan-Marek watching this, but short on time currently
            + maybe to do test build, and find interest in testing? (Bjoern)
               + no infra for that though (Bjoern)
               + pushing to master is fine (Kendy)
        + tdf#96847 - Android viewer crashes on every file (android 4.4.4 & 5.x?)
            + Crash.
* QA stats
    +176    -78        (+98 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Beluga                13
        raal                   7
        Michael Meeks          6
        V Stuart Foote         5
        Katarina Behrens (CIB) 4
        Olivier Hallot         4
        Adolfo Jayme           3
        steve -_-              3
        Joel Madero            2
        Maxim Monastirsky      2
        m.a.riosv              2
        Miklos Vajna           2
        Cor Nouws              2
        Xisco Faulí            2
        Samuel Mehrbrodt (CIB) 2
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 1/4   - 25%    -1
        5.1: 2/24   - 8%    +0
        5.0: 9/52  - 17%    +0
        4.4: 13/75 - 17%    +0
        4.3: 6/68   - 8%    +0
        4.2: 11/134 - 8%    +0
        4.1: 4/79   - 6%    +0
        4.0: 10/81  - 12%   +0
        old: 39/248 - 15%   +0
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 398/1248 402/1247 408/1242 409/1238 406/1229 353/1140 344/1125
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + 758(-2) bugs open of 4676(+37) total 36(-5) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 14 (-4)
                Writer - 11 (-1)
           LibreOffice -  5 (+0)
                  Base -  2 (+0)
               Impress -  2 (+0)
            Extensions -  1 (+0)
                  Draw -  1 (+0)
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 234 (-4)
                  Calc - 159 (-4)
               Crashes -  56 (-5)
           LibreOffice -  55 (+0)
               Impress -  49 (-2)
                    UI -  44 (-1)
               Borders -  33 (+0)
        graphics stack -  36 (+5)
                  Draw -  27 (+0)
                  Base -  26 (-1)
   filters and storage -  19 (+0)
                 BASIC -  16 (+1)
                 Chart -  15 (+1)
Printing and PDF export-  11 (-1)
        Formula Editor -   6 (-1)
            Linguistic -   5 (+0)
            Extensions -   3 (+0)
          Installation -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+0)
             framework -   1 (+0)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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