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Samuel do you need an icon from me (breeze?) for the save stuff. should I
add one in Galaxy?

Am 19.01.2016 15:35 schrieb "Jan Holesovsky" <>:

* Present: Heiko, Kendy, Samuel

* UI changes integrated since the last meeting:

    + resource menus & readonly improvements (Maxim)
    + new saving behavior + indication (Maxim)
    + "show draw functions" button for Draw & Impress (Gulsah)

+ Comments on design blog (Heiko)

    + currently go to only one person (Heiko)
    + let's ask admins to setup a mail alias for the main account (Kendy)

+ Blog about menu changes (Heiko)

    + Reason:
    + to explain what has been done, what are the concepts behind that
        + sounds great (Kendy)
    + ideal if Jay can do that, he did all the heavy lifting...
        + Heiko about to work on a draft, details needed from Jay

+ Find&Replace dialog in the sidebar (Heiko)

    + Sidebar as a host for functions? - F&R is not a property like
paragraph settings, for instance

    + it is possible from the development point of view (Heiko)
        + but do we want that conceptually?
        + another example where this was attempted: change tracking (Heiko)

    + conceptually - it is changing the meaning of the sidebar a bit
        + sidebar is not meant as a replacement for dialogs (at least
currently) (Heiko)
        + overall, moving some modeless dialogs to sidebar could be a
not-that-bad thing (Kendy)
            + can imagine scenarios where it is useful to be able quickly
switch between
              eg. change tracking and search/replace (which would take too
much space with just dialogs)

    + let's think a bit more about this, and if we agree to this, make
this a GSoC project

    + many search&replace bugs in the bugzilla, would be good to have them
in mind too
      when considering the move to the sidebar (Heiko)
        + design session to mocup it with these in mind, prioritization,
etc. needed (Heiko)
        + GSoC not that near, let's do it in some later Friday, after the
normal meeting

+ Save button behavior (Samuel)

    + implemented now
        + thanks so much Maxim!

    + not in RC2 yet (Samuel)
        + the only missing bit is the icon (Samuel)
        + Heiko will sync with Andreas if he can have that before the RC2
          (Tuesday evening tagging)
        + Samuel will backport to libreoffice-5-1
            + then 3 reviews needed for the late feature, Kendy to ask ESC
on the ML

+ Mail merge toolbar (Kendy)

    + implementation mostly finished (Kendy)
        + bugfixing before I can merge it to master

* Area Tab design session (Heiko/Jay)

    + Area Tab -
        + not published yet

    + positive feedback
    + suggestion to remove the pattern editor and to rename some captions
    + one preference for the three-column layout

    + next: implement it :-)  probably again good for a GSoC task

* Draw problems (Stuart)

    + might be interesting to have a survey about what the users actually
use Draw for (Tomaž)
        + Heiko will have a look / think this through

* Bug discussions


    + discussed, and acted on:
        + [nothing today sadly]

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