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I was referring to what commands are run. It could be that there are
commands in that ps script which exist only in a particular version of
powershall rather then the one that comes installed default with windows 7
for example.

Jonathan Aquilina

On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 11:05 AM, jan iversen <>


Is there a minimum version of powershell which is listed?

In short no, have a look at the ps1 script, it is very basic.

As soon as I try to install powershell as instructed in lode page, it
gives me an installation error. can anyone help me out of this ?

Where do you find the instruction asking you to install powershell ??

The first command is ".\install_cygwin.ps1", which is using and not
installing powershell.

Without knowing what you try to do or the error it is pretty hard to help.

jan i.


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