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While trying to finish up the translation I realized that there is a problem with one of the entries in the new Style menu (Writer). The menu entry for the character style "Quotation" does not work in a localized environment. The reason is that the internal name of the style is not Quotation but Citation therefore the uno command of the menu entry is "wrong". It should read:


instead it reads:


I suppose it's a bit late to change at this point given it would trigger a re-translation for all languages (at least I think it will). Should I push a patch to gerrit changing the command?

I'm a bit hesitant to change the internal name since I'm afraid of breaking export filter or
whatever functionality that might be tied to the internal name.
Also I don't know what to change so I would need to dig deeper and that would take time that I don't presently have. Removing the entry until next version would of course buy
some time, but might be a bit "drastic"?

The bug is logged in bugzilla as:

Med vänlig hälsning
Niklas Johansson


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