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HI Regina
I think it was annouced Askbot was under maintenance...m


due to a necessary update done by Evgeny, our AskBot maintainer, the Ask
LibreOffice service has a scheduled downtime

tomorrow, Saturday, 8-11am Berlin time (7-10am UTC)

Sorry for any inconveniences this may cause. The infra team is available
on the website@ mailing list as well as the hostmaster@ address for any
questions you might have.



Em 16/01/2016 12:57, Regina Henschel escreveu:
Hi all,

anyone out there to have a look at I get on every
click on a question an "Internal server error". I see the error for at
least 3 hours now.

Kind regards
LibreOffice mailing list

Olivier Hallot
Comunidade LibreOffice


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