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On 14/01/2016 3:00, meilin wrote:
we can draw some shapes in writer doc such as rect, line, circle and so on.
now i want to know how to draw these shapes to a virtual device.
i have already saw some code about drawing,but it's too hard for me to understand. so i ask you for help, if you have some documents about drawing? please send me,thank you!
Yes i  exports Charts to a Dialog and also to a PNG grachip file
is use basic code below
we need the "Drawpage" with the chart in it
a "url" to save the png file

sub exportChart(Drawpage as object, url as string )
    'prepare the renderer for the GraphicExportFilter
    oRenderer = createUnoService("")
    Dim sRect as new
     Wfactor = oChartDialog.size.width/oChartDialog.model.width
     Hfactor = oChartDialog.size.height/oChartDialog.model.height
    sRect.X = 0
    sRect.Y = 0
    sRect.Height =  180*Hfactor  'de hight is in charhe
    sRect.Width = 29*Wfactor

    oRenderer.setPropertyValue("DestinationRect", sRect)
    'the renderer shall paint to the dialog window
oRenderer.setPropertyValue("Device", oChartDialog.Peer.createGraphics.Device)
     Dim aArgs (1) as new
    aArgs(0).Name  = "GraphicRenderer"
    aArgs(0).Value = oRenderer
xExporter = createUnoService("" )
    xExporter.filter(aArgs()) 'export to the dialog

xExporter = createUnoService("")

   Dim aURL as new
   aURL.complete = url
   aArgs(0).Name  = "MediaType"
   aArgs(0).Value = "image/png"
   aArgs(1).Name  = "URL"
   aArgs(1).Value = aURL

REM Grafiek Opslaan
   xExporter.filter(aArgs()) ' export to a png file
End Sub

Hope it helps


another problem
i want to draw some shapes in printpreview window, whether it's reasonable?

waiting for you help, thank you!

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