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On 03.01.2016 09:22, Chris Sherlock wrote:
Hi all, 

I’m getting the following error on a Mac OS X Jenkins box:,Platform=MacOSX/console

[build CUT] writerperfect_writer

_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, 
_CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL.
2016-01-03 02:12:14.375 cppunittester[96353:83061014] Couldn't contact spell checker for U.S. 
2016-01-03 02:12:16.537 cppunittester[96353:83061045] __agent_connection_block_invoke_2: 
Connection error - Connection invalid
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 276
- Actual  : 266

Test name: SwUiWriterTest::testTdf96536
equality assertion failed
- Expected: 276
- Actual  : 266

Failures !!!
Run: 83   Failure total: 1   Failures: 1   Errors: 0

it looks like Miklos added a workaround for this on master in commit


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