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On Sun, Jan 3, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Chris Sherlock <>

Hi all,

I’ve been getting an OSL_ENSURE failure when I run LibreOffice on my
Ubuntu Linux VM.

The error is:

SwFormat::~SwFormat: Def dependents!

This appears to be occuring because the OSL_ENSURE is calling on
DerivedFrom(), which actually returns the following:

*return* const_cast <><SwFormat 
<><*const* SwFormat 

GetRegisteredIn() is just an event source of type SwModify, the odd thing
is that it calls on GetRegistedIn() which is NOT a member of SwModify (or
any child classes).

In fact, I’m surprised that this even compiles, as I was under the
impression that a static_cast was a compile time check...

I can only help you with the C++ part but not explain why it makes sense to
call that code.

The code calls SwFormat::GetRegisteredIn which is actually
SwClient::GetRegisteredIn (through the inheritance hierarchy
SwFormat->SwModify->SwClient). SwClient::GetRegisteredIn returns a pointer
to a SwModify where the code actually assumes that it always returns a

Anyway, what *exactly* is this attempting to do? The name looks like it’s
doing a debugging check to ensure that the SwFormat class was registered in
a derived class, but I can’t see how this would ever work!

It looks a bit like it is using some generic writer code to store the
inheritance of the styles.

In fact, wouldn’t a dynamic_cast be better, as this most specifically down
or upcasts a pointer, and returns NULL if it fails?

That depends on all the code around it. Here the code just assumes that all
returned SwModify objects are actually SwFormat objects.

Any advise on this would be greatly appreciated, got me thoroughly


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