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Hi All,

First, apologies for resorting to the developers list for this query. I
have asked this question twice on the users list, and once on the
official support forums, and no-one has been able to help.

In a base install of LibreOffice (for example), I see a number
of clipart Gallery themes and associated files (images, configuration
files) at: C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\share\gallery (assuming
Microsoft Windows).

These appear as default Gallery items for all local users on the
computer in question.

What is the correct process to follow to create additional Galleries
such that they are also similarly globally available? Creating a new
Gallery theme and adding files from within LibreOffice simply creates it
in the logged-on user's profile and only for that user – which is not
what I'm after.

I see for each global Gallery in LibreOffice an assocated folder
containing image files, and associated .sdg, .sdv, .str, and .thm files
are visible in C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\share\gallery.
Presumably one follows the same convention for creating additional
galleries, but some pointers on exactly how to do this please would be

I'd be looking to create the same sets of custom galleries for users on
OS X and Ubuntu to follow.


Dave Koelmeyer
GPG Key ID: 0x238BFF87


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