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* Present:
    + Robinson, Jan-Marek, Sophie, Miklos, Andras, Kendy, Stephan, Eike,
      Christian, Muthu, Caolan, Michael M, Bjoern (last 5 minutes)
* Completed Action Items:
    + send welcome mail to Justin Luth (Miklos)
            + poke gerrit for him (Michael)
    + have a look at the CppUnit to implement 'expected failure' (Jan-Marek)
        [ Not much to do here. CPPUNIT_TEST_FAIL is already there.

          Accounting of XFAIL and XPASS seems to be tricky with the current implementation,
          if we really want it. ]
* Pending Action Items:
    + please check if you're listed in the mentoring page (All)
    + UserAgent - drop bundled-languages (Michael)
    + UserAgent - produce a patch for review (Michael)
    + ask students to write their own wrap-ups to aggregate (Cedric)
    + write a nice blog entry about 1000's bibisect - including flowers (Robinson)
        [ half way done, planned today ].
    + reach-out to Beta Co-working guy to book post-FOSDEM hackfest (Bjoern)
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
    + 4.4.6 - RC2 status
        + due next week.
    + 5.0.3 - RC1 status
        + tagged and released for most platforms
            + up-loaded & ready for testing.
        + found a nasty OpenGL perf. issue (Michael)
    + 5.1.0 Alpha - week after next, code freeze mid. Nov.
        + tagging for 5.1 due next week.
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + Google-play dropped the 50Mb limit for APKs.
            + expecting another update in the play store.
* UX Update (Kendy)
    + discussing whether to remove industrial from git repo.
      or at least the unused icons; so far leave it there.
        + perhaps used for 'Human' - unclear.
    + 'Dark' themes discussed -> hicontrast etc.
        + Tomaz came up with a high-contrastifying algorithm
          for existing themes -> will save space.
    + start-center changes
        + rename the remote-files button, stay separate.
    + would like a dedicated design / UX blog
        + Jay filing a redmine ticket ( ) -> no 
problem (Cloph)
* Documentation (Kendy)
    + new release of help authoring ext'n on Monday
        + again more fixes; more reliable, better help output etc.
    + still would like to have on-line editable help.
        + Jay had some idea of not editable wiki necessarily ?
        + editing on top of XHP files ?
        + if we find some volunteers - web development ?
           + LOOL in a bit ? (Michael)
               + hard part - git repo & auto-pushing (Kendy)
* Crashtest update (Caolán)
    + 5 import failures, 2 export failures, coverity unbuildable at the moment
    + refreshed input documents, 3 import failures are new documents
    + remaining import/export failures may be related to a recent regression
      of mine caught by sberg's ubsan build, rerunning crashtest to find out
    + more effective than fuzzing to rely on public bug reporting.
    + coverity - C++14 / constexpr stuff causing grief ?
        + poking the guys over there.
* File format fuzzing to drive UX testing (Caolan)
    + some awesome intelligent fuzzers, work through code branches
    + re-purposing file-filters to drive UI input; 10x key strokes already.
    + working prototype already.
    + can iterate through 1x second; its learned how to open dialogs, open menu-bar etc.
    + first let it put keystrokes in, found it could enter large numbers.
    + need to be able to reset it to the start to make it faster
    + some sandboxing work would be good.
    + working on optimizing it.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Hamburg, Germany: Oct 23rd -> 25th (Bubli)
            + would be great to see everyone there.
            + Hamburg Hackers, I'm looking at you, please register! ;)
                + couchsurfing etc.
            + working to encourage Aarhus folks to Hamburg; evening before.
    + FOSDEM / Beta Co-working
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Belgium another candidate ...
        + perhaps again at Las Palmas (Thorsten)
* l10n Update (Sophie)
    + after the workshop - some workflow clarification
    + several pootle improvements proposed.
    + Nicholas created a tool for menu-accelerator duplicate detection.
    + will create a l10n channel on IRC and setup monthly meetings.
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + half of committee absent today -> next week (Stephan)
    + now we have 6 names (Kendy) ]
* Jenkins update (Norbert)
* Easy Hacks:
    + new easy-hacks thanks to:
        + Straub, Jan Holesovsky, Michael Meeks
    + create your own by setting whiteboard to eg.
            "easyHack difficultyBeginner skillCpp topicCleanup"
    + Create new easy hacks from these proposed ones
      (or remove the whiteboard keyword "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
* Reviewing bugs with patch flag (Bjoern)
    + 73 open issues currently ...
       + please help out if you can.
       + looking forward to having mentoring B/W
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED at 482
        + slightly down.
    + needAdvice at 15
    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + tdf#94428 - Printing adds garbage to top edge of page
            [ fixed - Michael ]
        + tdf#94809 - [Crash] SEH Exception: Access Violation when opening .docx
            + do we see it in the tests -> already reported & handled by Caolan.
        + A pair of references bugs
            + tdf#94063 - EDITING References break when putting text behind them
            + tdf#94804 - Cross references break on reload
        + tdf#91789 - UI:  Crash on exit after format header
            + will take a look (Michael)
        + tdf#94689 - Crash on new file, close file, open file  
            + Another windows crash
        + tdf#94225 - Writer crashes on undo
* QA stats
    +214    -135        (+79 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Cor Nouws             12
        Timur                 11
        Maxim Monastirsky     11
        Christian Lohmaier    10
        Adolfo Jayme           6
        raal                   6
        Beluga                 6
        tommy27                6
        Yousuf (Jay) Philips   6
        Eike Rathke            5
        Julien Nabet           4
        Michael Meeks          4
        Markus Mohrhard        4
        Miklos Vajna           3
        m.a.riosv              3
* Open 5.0 MAB
  + 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 1/12 2/12
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 8/59 10/60 10/60 10/60 10/60 11/60 11/60 11/60 11/60 10/60 10/60 10/60
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 59/168 59/168 59/168 59/168 59/168 59/168 59/168 59/168 61/168 61/168
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibisected'
  + 322/1047 324/1039 325/1029 330/1028 344/1028 345/1020 338/1006
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
        + stats are for two weeks ...
        + 676(+24) bugs open of 4243(+43) total 48(+10) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                  Calc - 18 (+2)
                Writer - 16 (+6)
           LibreOffice -  8 (+3)
               Impress -  3 (-1)
                    UI -  1 (+0)
   filters and storage -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                Writer - 228 (+13)
                  Calc - 138 (+0)
               Crashes -  53 (+6)
               Impress -  49 (-1)
                    UI -  44 (+2)
           LibreOffice -  45 (+4)
        graphics stack -  27 (+1)
                  Base -  27 (+1)
               Borders -  24 (+0)
                  Draw -  22 (-1)
   filters and storage -  13 (+0)
                 Chart -  12 (+0)
Printing and PDF export-  11 (-1)
                 BASIC -   9 (+0)
        Formula Editor -   5 (+0)
            Linguistic -   3 (+0)
             framework -   3 (+0)
            Extensions -   2 (+0)
                   sdk -   1 (+1)

--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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