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Hi to all,

I've attached two .doc files made with MSOffice 2003.

Both files have problems with LO but runs well in OpenOffice 4.1.1 (and with MSOffice).

1) lo heading problems.doc
LO handles badly the heading. The file should have one page setted with the "First Page" style with 
a classic heading with some paragraph and an image.
LO opens the file with the page setted in "Default Style" and no visible heading. If you change the 
page style to another one (for example "First Page") and then set back the "Default Style" the 
heading reappers.
Very strange.

2) lo crashing unexpectedly.doc
Simple file without anything particular in his contentents, in MSO and OO works fine, LO crashes 
without any particular reasons.

LibreOffice 5.0.2 has the same behaviour.
Any idea? They are known bugs?

Thanks to all the community!


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